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How to Use for static dns with dynamic IP

No-IP is a dynamic DNS (DDNS) service that allows you to associate a hostname with your dynamic IP address. This is especially useful if you have a dynamic IP address from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and you want to access devices or services on your network using a consistent hostname. Here’s how you can use No-IP for static DNS with a dynamic IP address:

Create an Account:

  • Go to the No-IP website (
  • Sign up for a No-IP account if you don’t already have one.

Add a Hostname:

  • After logging in, go to the “Dynamic DNS” or “Dynamic DNS Pro” section.
  • Click on “Add a Hostname” or a similar option.

Choose a Hostname:
Enter a hostname that you’d like to use. This will be the domain name you’ll use to access your network remotely (e.g.,

Select a Domain:
Choose a domain name from the available options (e.g.,, No-IP offers a few different domain choices for free users.

Choose Host Type:
Select “DNS Host (A)” for most use cases. This associates the hostname with your dynamic IP address.

Install a Dynamic Update Client (DUC):

  • To keep your hostname updated with your changing dynamic IP address, you’ll need to install a Dynamic Update Client provided by No-IP. They have clients for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and routers.
  • Download and install the client relevant to your operating system.

Configure the DUC:

  • To keep your hostname updated with your changing dynamic IP address, you’ll need to install a Dynamic Update Client provided by No-IP. They have clients for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and routers.
  • Download and install the client relevant to your operating system.
  • Open the DUC client and log in with your No-IP account credentials.
  • Configure the client to update your hostname. Usually, this involves entering your hostname and logging in with your No-IP credentials.

Run the DUC:

  • Start the DUC client, and it will periodically check your IP address and update your hostname with the correct IP address if it changes.

Test Your Hostname:

  • You can now access your network devices or services using the hostname you’ve configured. For example, if you set up a webcam and named it “mywebcam,” you can access it at “” (replace “myhomenetwork” with your actual hostname and “port” with the specific port number, if needed).

    Keep Your Account Active:
  • No-IP offers free and paid plans. To ensure your hostname remains active, you may need to log in to your No-IP account periodically and confirm your hostname. Free accounts may require this to be done every 30 days.

That’s it! You’ve set up a dynamic DNS service with No-IP, allowing you to access your home network services using a consistent hostname even if your ISP assigns you a dynamic IP address.

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